Rethink Failure: What Can You Learn?

A few years ago I read The 12 Week Year by Brian Moran, and signed up for the associated email newsletter. One of the latest emails linked to a short video called “Rethink Failure”. All too often, we see failure as a permanent condition, something to avoid. We fear criticism and judgement – from other as well as from ourselves – and use ‘failure’ as proof that we’re not good enough. Not only is this just untrue, but it’s unhealthy and nonproductive. First of all, things will not always go perfectly. Secondly, you can’t grow and improve your skills without ‘failing’ along the way – just like you weren’t born able to walk or talk. Cut yourself some slack. Instead of beating yourself up, figure out how to learn from ‘failures’. That’s how the most successful people get where they are. I know – much easier said than done. But that doesn’t make it any less true.