This Wasn’t Going to End Well; I Should Have Known Better

Photo by Lennart Wittstock from Pexels

Only after it was too late did I realize that the despicable yet brilliant serial murdering psychopath had me trapped. While this scumbag had never been convicted of the foul crimes he’d surely committed, I’d certainly heard the rumors, which described how this vile creature lured his unsuspecting prey into his basement where he would enjoy killing them slowly while they suffered, conscious but immobile, thanks to paralytic drugs that he would administer. How could I be stupid enough to think I’d outsmart him?

Just minutes earlier, I had found a driver’s license that another guest at the camp had apparently dropped. Being a good Samaritan, I’d returned to the camp’s shop to leave the license with the shop’s staff after I’d found it on the ground just outside the shop’s entrance. When I’d tried to leave the lost item with the shop manager, she instructed the facility’s pharmacist to handle it as she was busy helping another customer. The pharmacist arose eagerly from his seat and beckoned me to follow him.

Remnants of grey hair encircled the bony sexagenarian’s balding scalp, while thin-rimmed glasses framed his aging eyes. He always presented a calm, gentle demeanor that belied his wicked proclivities. While I’d never previously met this pharmacist, I’d known him by his reputation. By all outward appearances, the aging pharmacist was a kind soul; however, the rumors said otherwise. Rumors I should have heeded.

According to local lore, this twisted man used his basement to snare, murder, and dismember his unsuspecting victims. From what I had been told, he’d invent some sort of ruse that would entice his victims to follow him into the basement. Once in the basement, he would press a hidden button to lock the door to prevent escape, then inject the victim with a paralytic drug so he could inflict his horrors upon them unmolested.

As I said, I’d heard the rumors. While this seemingly benign creature had always been acquitted of any wrongdoing, everyone knew that he was guilty of the atrocities I’ve described. According to the rumors, he was not only a serial killer, but a devious and brilliant man – not one with whom to match wits. Why he was still employed as this camp’s pharmacist when the rumors were undeniable, I’ll never know. Yet despite hearing the rumors, I still followed him when he encouraged me to accompany him in the basement.

The pharmacist opened the door to the basement and descended the stairs to the floor below, where various things lay strewn about. Figuring I could outwit the deviant if need be, I stayed near the top of the stairs while he took care of whatever it was he needed to do down there. Apparently the building was erected on a hillside, since a rolling garage style door opened the basement to an isolated dirt access road behind the building. An old boat sat in its trailer outside the door, obviously unused for ages and in need of some TLC.

At some point, something about the pharmacist’s behavior spooked me, so I turned to make my escape through the door at the top of the stairs. It was at that exact moment that I realized how greatly I had underestimated this… man. As I turned, I saw him quickly press a secret button on the wall and then close the rollup doors. Undeterred, I bolted to the door, only to find that it was not only locked, but had no doorknob to grasp from the inside. Figuring I could alert others of my need for help, I tried to pound on the door, only to discover to my horror that the door and surrounding walls had been layered in thick sound insulating material. Only then did I realize how stupid I had been.

Now I knew for certain that the rumors I’d heard were all true. And that I was most certainly a dead man. Fear gripped me as my mind raced in a fruitless attempt to identify a plausible escape. Obviously I could not get through the door, nor could I summon help. And that horrid creature that previously had seemed so harmless, now brandished a syringe, no doubt full of his infamous paralyzing agent.

The next thing I remembered was waking up in my bed, chest heaving with harsh breaths typical of extreme exertion. I could also both hear and feel a frantic, driving drumbeat. After several moments, I realized that the drumbeat was my own heart, pounding in my chest. Finally I realized that this encounter with the psychotic pharmacist had been just a dream. But what haunted me was more than just the memory of the dream itself, more than the feeling of waking to physical conditions that you’d generally only encounter during a full-out sprint. The thing that bothered me more was the feeling that the rumors I’d heard about this evil man were either from some prior dream, or aspects of same true-life crime tale that I’d recently heard. Eventually I fell back to sleep, but I was still haunted with strange feeling all morning as I got ready for work.

Holy Cow, I’ve Read a Lot of Books This Past Year!

Just for grins, I decided to look back at all the books I’ve read over this past year. Over the past 13 months, I have read at least two dozen books. I knew I had read a lot of books, but I didn’t realize it was quite that many! The books generally fall into the following five broad categories: space, business, self-improvement, biking, and science fiction.

The Amazon Kindle’s Reading Insights feature shows you what you’ve read each year, as well as some statistics on your reading activity

How to Read a Lot of Books: Read Two Per Month

Here’s the list of books I know I read this past year. I may have forgotten a few, but regardless, that’s a lot of reading – nearly two books per month!!

  • Grit, by Angela Duckworth (“grit” is applying passion and persistence to achieve excellence and mastery for an extended period of time)
  • Mindset, by Carol S. Dweck (“fixed” versus “growth” mindset; heard about this book from the 12/16/2020 episode of The HKT Podcast)
  • Endurance, by Scott Kelly (about former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly’s year aboard the International Space Station)
  • The Last Campaign, by Martin L. Shoemaker (fiction; sequel to The Last Dance, below)
  • Stalling for Time, by Gary Noesner (written by a former FBI hostage negotiator about his experiences)
  • Do Hard Things, by Alex & Brett Harris (society expects much less of teenagers than they are capable of, wasting potential; do hard things for the glory of God)
  • Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy, by Timothy Zahn (fiction; covers Thrawn’s early years, before he joined the Empire)
  • It’s All About the Bike, by Robert Penn (an avid biker tells the story of building his dream bike with high end components from all over the world)
  • Rescue Mode, by Ben Bova & Les Johnson (fiction)
  • Space 2.0, by Rod Pyle (humankind’s endeavors in space are gaining momentum)
  • Foundation, by Isaac Asimov (fiction)
  • 2312, by Kim Stanley Robinson (fiction)
  • Space is Open for Business, by Robert C. Jacobson (there are a significant number of space-related businesses and business opportunities, with more on the way)
  • Thuvia, Maid of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (fiction – part of the John Carter of Mars series… I actually thought I read more than one of the books on the series this past year)
  • Alone at Dawn, by Dan Schilling and Lori Longfritz (true story about recent special forces heroes)
  • Tap Code, by Carlyle S. Harris & Sara W. Berry (about POWs in the Vietnam War who communicated using codes based on tapping)
  • Imperial Earth, by Artur C. Clarke (fiction)
  • Clutter Free, by Kathi Lipp (how to eliminate clutter in your home)
  • Show Your Work, by Austin Kleon (for artists – how to get your work out there)
  • Elon Musk, by Ashlee Vance (Biography of Elon Musk of SpaceX, Tesla, etc. fame)
  • The Airbnb Story, by Leigh Gallagher (just what the title suggests, it’s about Airbnb)
  • Atomic Habits, by James Clear (how to develop habits)
  • The Last Dance, by Martin L. Shoemaker (fiction)
  • Can’t Hurt Me, by David Goggins (former Navy SEAL eliminates any excuse you’ll ever have)
  • Mining the Sky, by John S. Lewis (mining asteroids, etc. – this is my 2nd time reading it; I’m only halfway through at the moment)

I’ve really enjoyed the books I’ve read this past year. I’m not sure I’ll sustain the same pace over the coming 12 months, but regardless, I still plan to read a lot of books by reading every day.

By the way – as I mentioned in an earlier post, borrowing e-books from the library has been a big help in complementing my selection of books.

Free eBooks: Borrowing Books From Your Local Library

I use the OverDrive app for borrowing eBooks from the library

Did you know that you can get free eBooks on loan from your local library? Here in the state of Connecticut, we use a tool called OverDrive, which is available both as a website and a mobile app. While I have been using this service for a couple years already, it’s especially convenient during this seemingly endless COVID-19 pandemic.

I Love to Read

I’m an avid reader – often reading more than one book at a time. I love books and love to read. For as long as I can remember, I have both bought books as well as borrowed them – from the library, or from friends. I do love the feel of a book in my hands, but I’ve also grown to love my Kindle and the (free) Kindle app on my phone. My Kindle eBook library has been growing over the past few years. At first I was hesitant, but now I read more eBooks than physical books. I can store a giant ‘stack’ of Kindle books on my phone, instantly available wherever I am, whenever I want to read. Some books I buy; others I borrow.

Free eBooks on OverDrive

To complement my purchased collection, I often borrow books from our state’s library system’s collection of eBooks. With the OverDrive app, I can borrow a book (usually in the Kindle format), request a hold on a book (i.e., waitlist), add a book to my wishlist, or recommend a book to be added to the library’s collection. The loans are generally 2 weeks.

One of the benefits of borrowing free eBooks in the Kindle format is that I can add highlights and notes in the Kindle app. As far as I know, these remain – in other words, if I borrow or buy the Kindle book later, I think my highlights and notes are retained.

Another useful tool is the ability to export your highlights and notes from Kindle. Obviously you can’t highlight the entire book, but if you can a ‘reasonable’ amount of highlighted text, the export feature is available.

A Cheerful Cricket

When I got up for work the other morning, there was an incredibly loud cricket that was chirping somewhere in the kitchen. When I turned on the lights, he stopped briefly and then started chirping again. I figured I’d search around for him so I could move him out of the kitchen (and out of the house). He stopped his “singing” as soon as I started walking across the kitchen floor, but as I got closer to the sink, he chirped again, so I could tell he was somewhere to the left of the sink, hidden somewhere in all the stuff on the counter. I figured it was going to be an extensive hunt. I lifted a crumpled paper towel first, since that was the easiest place to look. To my surprise, there was a tiny little cricket there – no longer than my pinkie nail. I have no idea how that little fella could chirp so loudly! As soon as I turned over the paper towel, that cheerful little guy crawled right onto my hand as if to say, “Good morning! You’re here! I was waiting for you!” I carefully transported the little fella out the kitchen door and released him onto the deck… though I did it by kinda shaking my hand, giving him what was probably an unexpected and crazy ride down. I felt a little bad after that since he was acting just so proud of his “singing” and seemed so happy to see me.

Obviously insects don’t have emotions like we do, nor do they have any sort of bond to humans. Regardless of these facts, that little cricket’s behavior gave the appearance of demonstrating these qualities, so in my mind, I “anthropomorphized” him in my imagination. Picturing that little critter in this way changed my attitude from being annoyed at having to search for a loud bug to being joyful instead. In a way, this event anchored my day, giving me something fun to think about throughout the day.

I find it interesting that such a silly little thing could have such a positive impact. I am glad that I was able to find joy in that moment.